... A Thousand Words
Levi jammin' with this guy.Campus Martius-Detroit 2011Kristy and Ron.Ms. Turner - This is Rib's high school biology teacher dancing at Billy's.  No kiddin'.Billy, Billy, BillySpooner, laying it downCarol (Al), Kristy (Ron), and Nancy (Billy)Can't take him nowhere. The Amazing Paul VossSpooner & JasonRibRib, Stuart, and Chelle hanging out at Stage 30Bill Kalinowski, all class and styleLevi Johnson rockin the mic at Billy'sLet's get our hustle on.Smoke on drums and Keith Pauncher on conga.  The rhythm is gonna getcha.Billy on flute and sax.  Now that's game.Spooner doin what he doJBons breakin' fools off!DSO Gala 2010Levi, Lady Sunshine & Big AlPaul Miles & Paul Voss.  Heather (Paul) and Pat (Levi)